Sure, it often times does not seem as though Christ is winning. After all, this feeling was no different for His disciples who watched Him hang on a cross, and yet it was no less true then. And it is no less true now.
Onward march all conquering Jesus, Gird Thee on Thy Mighty sword.
Sinful earth can ne'er oppose Thee, hell itself bows at Thy word.
Thy great Name is so exalted Every foe shrinks back in fear
Terror creeps through all creation when it knows that Thou art near.
How my raptured soul rejoices that the Jubilee is near.
Every word will be accomplished, spoken by our Savior here.
North and south in countless myriads, from earth's darkest ends they come
With the dance and gladsome music, into heavens eternal home.
I want to draw your attention to the second line of that first stanza and ask if you believe it to be true this morning. "Sinful earth can never oppose thee, hell itself bows at Thy word." Take that truth and dwell on it as you look forward to the content of the last verse - heaven and an eternity spent with Christ. The reign that Christ will have then we can know now if we will surrender our lives to Him. Is Christ reigning victoriously today in your life? Is He your King? May we not wait until our knees are forced to bow, but instead willingly surrender our lives to the Conqueror of all things. It reminds me of Colossian 1:18, "He is also the head of the body, the church; and He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, so that he himself will come to have first place in everything."
"In everything." That is what Christ is in first place and ruling over. All things. Even the things you are going through today. Let Christ be Ruler!