Tuesday, January 30, 2018


This week I mentioned a quote from John Piper's book Let the Nations Be Glad  a fabulous book on the missional work of the church.  The above link takes you to a short video by John Piper that explains this in a little more detail.

I post this for a few reasons.
     1. I think that it is critical that we as Christians seek out Godly Christian authors and teachers to help us grow in our faith during the week.  What pastors can do in 30 minutes is simply whet the appetite for more.  I hope to provide avenues for how you can get more during the week
     2. I think that the book I quoted may be the best book I have read on missions.  I commend it to you highly.

I hope that you will take the time to listen to the short video and perhaps even read the book. 

Soli Deo Gloria

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

In the Beginning God. . .

Are you the center of your universe?  In the morning, who is your first thought of?   At the end of the day, of whom are you thinking?  Whose opinion matters the most?  Who deserves the majority of your resources?  Are you the center of your universe?

I think that for most of us who are honest enough with ourselves, this is where our thinking tends to be.  We tend to think of ourselves first, last, and most of the time in between.  Our world seems to be defined by how it relates to us. 

I find it fascinating that the opening words of Scripture debunk the myth that our world is all about us.  We are not the center of the story.  We are not the major players and in fact when it comes right down to how we are described in Scripture we are utterly dependent and totally formed from the image of the one about whom the story is really written. 

This fundamental truth is so very hard for us to comprehend.  So great is the lie that we are told and tell ourselves that we genuinely see God as the actor moving to benefit us instead of the way that the Scriptures clearly organize our lives.  We are here for God.  We belong to God.  We owe ourselves to God and we are to surrender ourselves to the God who created us for His purposes. 

Do not engage life today as though you are the master of your own destiny.  Remember the truth the next time you are tempted to demand your own way.  Choose to focus on God the next time you are chosen to suffer.  But most of all, remember that this day is not here simply for your benefit, but that you are here to impact the world for the image of God in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. 

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Let There Be

As we were working through our study of Genesis chapter 1 I found myself teaching and reflecting at the same time.  I was teaching on the phrase "And God said, and there was"  and in the midst of my thoughts I realized that the first words of God were "Let there be light".  Imagine the sheer power and majesty required to bring forth light out of nothingness. 

Our God is not a God against.  He has no equal and there is no other power that can truly oppose Him.  It is clear from Scripture that Satan certainly tries to oppose His plans, but it is equally as clear that Satan himself recognizes that he is accountable to this God who speaks light into the void.  In fact, it seems to be only man that creates open war against this God and God in his infinite wisdom and mercy allows it. 

Who are we to question a God who simply says "Let there be" and there is?  Who are we to question His perfect judgment.  I have a hard time making things out of existing materials.  Who am I to question the God who makes such beauty and majesty out of void. 

Creation seems to have this effect of placing us in a perpetual state of awe of the God who made it.  I trust that you will acknowledge and praise God today and thank Him not only for light, but for the Light of the World through whom we are made whole.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Unexpected Blessings

Sometimes being a pastor is interesting.  Indulge me a moment as a share a short story and what I learned from it.

I am generally not a very techie person.  And so when I came across a video I thought was awesome I knew I wanted to use it in a sermon.  I checked it with my wife to see if she liked it and she did and so I was ready to use it.  I emailed it to our media desk and double checked Sunday morning to make sure they had it and even had the sound guy make sure he could hear the sound.  I had thought about this moment for at least a week and was so excited about what people would think on the first Sunday of a new year about my new media-savvy sermon. 

I think at some point I became hopeful that the media instead of the Word of God would do some good.  After all, it was Piper speaking and He and His ministry always do such a good job.  And then I built up to the video in the sermon and sat down to watch. 

The video played and you could hear the music, but you could not hear the words of John Piper to save your life.  The sound was terrible.  And the point of it all was lost because you could not hear the voice behind it!  And that was the conclusion of the sermon.  And so the conclusion became lost in a failed attempt at media-savvy. 

As I dwelt on this later I realized that I had lost myself in the attempt.  I had lost sight of the truth that the power is in the Word of God, not in our attempts to make it relevant or snappy.  I had grown fascinated by my own attempt at personal growth and development and forgotten that if something is going to change the hearts of the people to whom I preach it is going to be the Spirit of God and His Word. 

I share this lesson because I think that all of us at some point lose sight of what is really important and trust in something less than the perfect work of God.  Be encouraged by the fact you are not alone and let us work together to trust the hand of God that much more.

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

The passage of time

As Christians it is important that we see ourselves and the world around us in the way that God intended.  One of the areas that I think many Christians miss the mark in this way is in our understanding of time.  Now some of this may seem a little silly but bear with me as I think in the end it will be clear how critical it is to think of time as God intended.

Have you ever said, "There is not enough hours in the day?"  I know what we all mean by this, but have you considered how insulting to the God who created us this could be!  If God created all things perfect and good and one of the things He created was the passage of time as marked by the rising of the sun and the moon, it would seem that if there are not enough hours in the day it is because He made a mistake.  I don't think we would want to say that. 

As we count the passing days, and months and years, it is easy to get lost in time.  It goes by so quickly after all and when it passes faster than we would like, we tend to worry about getting it all done and so we complain that there are not enough hours in the day.  But what if time was not created for us?  What if time itself was created to mark the beginning and the end (which is really the beginning of a timeless eternity)?  What if time was simply created as a way for us to mark the fulfillment of God's plan for humankind for all eternity?  After all, God created time and space so that He could interact with us and accomplish His purposes. 

As evidence for this fact I simply draw your attention to the fact that five days passed before God created mankind.  If God created time for mankind, would he not worry about time until mankind was created?  Instead he demarcates day 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 before morning begins on day 6 - the day in which He creates mankind in His own Image.  Time itself is a creation of God for the glory of God. 

This is why the New Testament tells us not to worry about tomorrow because time, as with all creation, is designed not for mankind, but ultimately for the God who created it - to bring glory to Him.  And what a glorious thought that God has given us the exact number of minutes in our lives to accomplish that glory! 

For some of us, that time might be shorter than others, but it is never too short to bring glory to God.  Which means that for many, we need to re-prioritize our time so that we are more aware of the fact that we need to use our time for His glory!  We need to re-focus our time and other resources so that we think first and foremost of the glory of God.  God has given us these first few days of a new year to praise Him.  We do not know if we are guaranteed tomorrow, much less next Jan 1.  So let us use the time that God gives us this year for the purpose that God has given it.  To Him be the glory!