Tuesday, February 15, 2022

A Love Like No Other

 We just got through February 14.  Everyone seems to think that this day has something to do with love.  And so our local stores are filled with flowers and chocolates that many use to make up for their lack of love shown during the course of the rest of the year.  Of course this is a little cynical.  But what is fascinating is what things we humans associate with love.  There is one thing that love has consistently in the Scriptures - self sacrifice.  Think of it - God loves us enough to sacrifice his own Son.  God calls us to give of ourselves for the good of others.  God calls us to love like he does.  Self sacrifice.  That is the best understanding of love, and it is something that our culture is desperately missing.  We are taught to build ourselves up instead of giving ourselves away.  We are taught to emphasize self instead of emphasizing others.  We are taught to seek our own identity rather than finding our identity in Christ and then sharing that identity with the lost and dying world.  So, as you think about love, think about what it really is - self sacrifice for the benefit of the one you love.  And love like you are loved in Christ.