Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Losses and Gains

 Paul says in Philippians 3:7, "But whatever things were gain to me, those things I have counted as loss for the sake of Christ." (NASB)

As I was reflecting on this verse and the verses that follow it (which I strongly encourage you to read) I thought about all of the things that Paul counted in the previous verses as loss.  His religious birth, his obedience to the law, his energy and vigor in following God, his own righteousness.  He counted all of these things as loss.  It was as if they counted against him rather than for him.  What could make such glorious things count against him rather than for him?  Only Christ Jesus.  And when compared with the work of Jesus Christ, these things that formerly he boasted in now are removed and all that is left for boasting is Jesus.  

I wonder in our lives if we take too much credit and count too much these things that when compared to Christ do not matter.  Do we talk about how much we give to the church?  How much time, how much money, how much service we give to the church as if our time and money and service can even compare to the sacrifice that Christ would make.  Do we talk about our Christian upbringing as if we have something to brag about compared to those who did not have it?  Do we think that we are better than others by virtue of any form of comparison?  All of these things fail when it comes to the work of Christ.

As I think about it, part of the problem is my attachment to a whole list of earthly things and often I fail to see the grandeur of what Christ has accomplished because I am not looking for grandeur, I am hoarding things that I should be counting loss.  Don't hoard losses.  Claim Christ's gains!

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Being Established

 "Now to Him who is able to establish you. . ." Romans 16:25

Paul ends his book to the Romans with praise to God who is able to establish you.  This is an interesting way to speak to the body of Christ.  The word itself means to make more firm.  Kind of the idea of taking root and being firmly decided about a course of action.  What is interesting to me are the things that God says he will use.  

1. The gospel

2. The preaching of Jesus Christ

3. The revelation of the mystery revealed

4. The commandment of the eternal God

These things are not the things we might first think of, but when we are assured of these things, we can have hope because they are certain, and therefore we can be firm in our assurance that God is working for us.