Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Don't fall for the traps

 Christmas time is here.  I want to remind us of a few traps that sometimes we can fall into when this time arrives.  It would be better for us to avoid these traps and counter them with the solid path that God lays out for us in His Word.

Trap 1 - the trap of all that glitters.

This trap tends to draw us in and make us think that we do not have enough.  It makes us think that we need more.  The commercials remind us of how much we wanted that new car, or new computer, or new . . .Our neighbors remind us because we see these things in their drive way and through their windows.  We want more.  The way to counter this trap is a simple word, but a hard concept - contentment.  We need to recognize that we have all that we need in Christ and it is already provided for us and given to us.

Trap 2 - the trap of a schedule that is full.

This time of year seems more and more busy each year.  There are holiday parties to go to and to host.  There are work parties and family parties.  There are Christmas concerts and holiday shopping and it never seems like there is enough time in the day to get it all done.  Sometimes this trap is harder to avoid, but the secret is to prioritize.  Don't make a list of all things you have to do and order those - instead prioritize reminders of Christ - the real reason for the season.  

Trap 3 - the trap of an incomplete focus.

 This trap is very subtle.  We put out our manger scenes for décor, we go to church and we think that we are serving Christ even more this time of year because it is His holiday after all.  The solution is to focus on Christ YEAR ROUND, and not just in these moments.  Yes, we are celebrating His birth, but He is to be celebrated each moment of each day for all that He has done for us.

So this year, avoid these traps and serve our Savior, come to earth to make us new!

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Busy, O So Busy

 I wonder sometimes how often we stop and take time to actually think about what we are doing and the priority of what we are doing.  Often times, especially around the holidays, we get so very busy.  We have extra parties to attend and maybe even plan.  We have extra shopping to do.  Then there is the decorating, the food preparation, the school projects.   And in all of this everyone else seems to be busy too, so the stores we are shopping at seem extra packed.  The supplies for the cooking is limited because everyone else is making the same things we are.  And it all adds up to a lot of stress.  

What tends to happen when we get busy is that we start to let go some of the things that we deem are not as important.  This is a good thing to do to avoid stress.  But I am afraid that too often we let the things go that are actually the most important.  For instance, if I have to choose between planning the party or reading my Bible what will I most likely choose?  What about if I have to choose between prayer or doing the extra shopping?  What about if I have to choose between taking a moment to talk to my neighbor over making that extra batch of cookies, which will I choose?  In each of these cases the things listed first are commanded by God and essential for our lives as believers.  The latter is always pressing but not commanded and not essential for our well-being.  But which do we tend to prioritize?  I think I could make this case with numerous examples.  We choose the extracurriculars over church because we paid for them.  We choose family gatherings rather than church gatherings because we feel more obligated to them.  And we choose the celebrations over the reason that we celebrate far too often.  

So this year - commit to yourself that you will strive to prioritize the things that really matter.  And remember that if you bake less cookies, have one less party that you go to, or even buy less presents, your life will be just fine by December 26.  I wonder the impact though of neglecting the Word of God, omitting your conversation with God, and setting aside the people of God.  I wonder?