If He can hold the world He can hold this moment
Not a field or flower escapes His notice
Oh even the sparrow
Knows He holds tomorrow
The first line is challenging. How often do we wonder if God really has all things under His control. And yet, this is the same God who holds all things together by the word of His power. He can hang stars and planets and people in place and has done so since the beginning of time itself. And I have the audacity to question Him.
The second line reminds me that it is ok to question so long as I do not question who He is. He knows that we struggle, He sent His Son to feel our pain and heal our wounds. He calls us to come close to Him and cast our anxiety on Him. He tells us to call Him "Father." And this perfect Father misses nothing. His eye is always on His child and even the sparrow receive the blessing of His watchful eye. Matthew 10:31 reminds me that I am far more important than a sparrow!
But it is the last line that is the most challenging I think to apply. To confidently know that my God holds my tomorrow in His hands now. My frame of reference is to think that tomorrow is unknowable. I am so defined by my experience and I have never once experienced a single tomorrow earlier than experiencing it as today. And yet this God who holds the world together and loves me so deeply that He knows the very number of diminishing hairs on my head, this God sees tomorrow and knows it completely. And He knows the day after that. He knows all of my tomorrows and as the song says He holds them - He is in control. He reigns with a power that transcends my feeble understanding! Praise be to this tomorrow-holding God!