I wonder if you have ever considered how wonderful a business meeting can be. There is rightly a lot of emphasis on the church as an organism- a living embodiment of the presence of Jesus Christ until He returns. We are after all exactly that. But as you read the Scripture you see that even in the early church there was a lot of organization. Deacons formed in Acts 6 to care for an organized distribution. Pastors instructed to teach those they were over. There are collections taken up for other organized churches in different regions. These were then delivered by people sent from one group to another. We do not often take the time to think about the organization that this would take, but I was reminded of it when we had our business meeting. God's people coming together to do business and vote and unite around our common desire to see God honored and glorified.
This organizational aspect is rarely pretty or flashy or something that we would want to point others to. We often focus on the programming (how do we think that this programming happens - by chance or organization?) we focus on the music (my wife plans the music each week for our church and I know how much organization goes into it) we focus on the youth group (organization is required) and many other aspects all of which require some level of organization. We cannot have an outreach or a meeting or a ministry without formal organization. This means that our planning and preparing is as much a part of the work that God does as is our actual participation in the event. Sure it might not be glorious, but I am so thankful that God's people are willing to serve Him by simply showing up and participating in a business meeting. To God be the glory!