Friday. A day that everyone looks forward to. Our work schedule for many postulates that we get weekends off. Saturday. A glorious day of celebration and freedom. Sunday. As a pastor, I am not honestly sure what people do on Sunday if not at church. I have always been at church. And yet, Sunday is still just a day.
Practically speaking, one day follows another and a weekend is a weekend. What makes them special is what we do with them. At least that is what we think. And then we come to resurrection Sunday. The problem with a day like resurrection Sunday is that it redefines time for us. No longer is it about me and what I want to do with my time, it is suddenly about something else. And so life itself, and its purpose and my purpose in it are redefined.
Friday. Good Friday. The day that Christ gave His life so that we could live. He died for us. On a cruel cross He suffered, and bled, and died. He was pierced. And He gave His life for us.
Saturday. A silent Saturday where a tomb was full. As the Sabbath, people were respectful and distant.
Sunday. Glorious Sunday. The tomb was visited and found empty. Mary was spoken to. The disciples were greeted. Jesus was alive!
And so our lives are forever changed by one weekend in history over 2000 years ago.