This weekend we had our church campout. I noticed that for myself when I got out of a place where my cell phone worked constantly, and instead found myself in a place where I had no service, a few things happened.
1. I looked around more. I saw more things, more people, more of the creation that God so beautifully made.
2. I talked with others more. I asked them about their lives. We had conversations about things that matter and not just small talk.
3. I chose to participate. There were many events we could do and suddenly I found I had time and energy to do them.
There were a few more things that I noticed, but I wonder if you notice this too when you unplug. Maybe it would be wise to force an unplug every once and a while. We are so connected that we have become unconnected. So maybe we can connect again by unplugging for a bit and getting back to the basics of shaking a hand instead of holding a phone. But what do I know - I have been off the grid for a few days!