I was thinking today about the importance of Bible reading. There are obviously many reasons to read your Bible. It is God's revealed Word to us. God commands us to meditate on it. It is there to instruct us, correct us, train us, equip us. It is encouraging and exhorting. It is sharper than a two-edged sword and will reveal our thoughts and intentions. It is a mirror that helps us to see ourselves rightly. But as I was thinking, I wonder how often we think about the Bible as a means to correct our perspective on history?
I think that we all have a tendency to view our world as being the worst it has ever been. We see moral decay and decline and we think that we have it worse than all those who have gone before us. I find myself doing this even recently with our young people - thinking that they have it harder than all those generations that have gone before them. In some ways this might be true, but the Bible reminds us that our world is not unique in its rebellion against God. Which is harder, our world today or the open pluralism and sexuality that was present in the world into which the epistles were written? Which is worse, the violence and murder today, or the first family in which brother killed brother? Which is worse, the blatant violation of God's created order for the family or Lot's daughter's, Noah's son Ham, Jacob and Esau, and the many other stories of this family order being upended.
What all of this does for us is remind us that we are not alone, and God is still in charge over it all. As He has been for all of time He is today. He reigns on the throne and has promised to us and to those that came before us that there is coming a day when He will make all things right. Read your Bible and allow it to adjust your perspective!