Thursday, December 12, 2024

Ends and Beginnings

 One year is drawing to an end.  Another year is beginning.  So often we focus on either one or the other aspects of this.  Either we focus on the year we had (we typically do this when it was a good year) or we focus on the year to come (because we are so eager to get out of the year we just had).  We either look backward or forward.  I have found something interesting as I have taken up the habit of walking and now been walking regularly for a few years now.  I am not sure how well it applies, but I guess I will leave that for the reader to decide.  

When walking, you cannot look too far ahead, and you cannot look backward.  Both options are a recipe for disaster.  If you are looking too far down the sidewalk or the road you will miss what is right in front of you.  This often leads to tripping.  If you are not watching the ground you are walking on you tend to trip.  Sometimes it is the edge of a sidewalk block that is slightly raised.  Sometimes it is subtle curve or change in the pavement that trips you up, but if you do not see it, you will trip.  

When walking you cannot look behind you either.  Every time I look behind I wind up steering myself off to the side that I am looking toward.  So if I look over my left shoulder at something behind me, I tend to start walking to the left.  I cannot walk in a straight line without looking at where I am going.  But again, this does not mean I just have to look forward all the time.  In fact, the best place for me to look for safety (especially now that it is winter) is directly in front of me, where my feet will step next.   

It is almost like we are not supposed to worry about what is to come too much, and not fret over what we have left behind too much.  Biblical balance seems to have gratitude for the past and leave the future to God, but to fix our behaviors on what is happening now.  To behave in this moment in the way God has called us to behave.  To think and say in this moment what I am supposed to think and say.  To leave the rest to God!

Sunday, December 1, 2024

Christ is Coming!

 Today we lit the first advent candle as part of our worship service.  The preparation of our hearts and minds as we approach the Christmas celebration is critically important.  I think that we do not take the time to prepare and because we do not take time to prepare, we forget.  After all, what we tend to remember we tend to prepare for.  We do not remember the quick trip to the grocery store for a loaf of bread for more than a day or two.  We do not remember the weekly trip to the grocery store much more than a week or two.  But we might remember the trip to the grocery store that we did to prepare for our 3 week vacation.  Or the trip to the grocery store to prepare for the holidays.  Because it is in the preparation for something that memory is created.  I remember the proposal I gave to my wife because I prepared for it.  I could not tell you what our fourth date was.  We just enjoyed it, there was no preparation for it. 

When it comes to Christmas, we so often simply let it happen to us.  We do not prepare.  We do not consider what the Bible says about the narrative.  And so to remind us today to prepare, let me simply state that the whole story of Scripture is focused in on the story of the coming of Christ to earth.  The OT looks forward to it and the NT looks back on it.  The life of Christ is the central theme of the gospel.  What He did for us in His life and death and resurrection is the central work for all who believe.  We NEED Jesus.  And so remind yourselves this year to prepare to celebrate the coming of Christ more than you prepare to celebrate with your families.  Make the celebration with your families center on the work of Christ and not just your own personal traditions.  Prepare to celebrate Christmas by preparing to remember that it is all about Jesus.