My family and I were able to go and see the King Tut exhibit yesterday at the Grand Rapids Public Museum. This was an exciting trip for us as my children have been studying some of ancient Egyptian culture and life in school. The exhibit itself was magnificent and wonderfully and elaborately created. I was in awe from start to finish. One of the things that stood out to me the most was the care with which the people preserved the body of King Tut. The resources that were poured into making sure that he had an easy transition in the afterlife. (side note: I am not at all condoning Egyptian mythology) Amongst all of the gold and all of the detail and all of the symbolism, one thing stood out to me. When Howard Carter discovered the tomb when they got to the shrine that contained the body, it actually was 4 shrines, each one contained inside the others. The closer you got to the body, the more ornate and precious and valuable the decorations and detail. The Egyptians spent a lot of time and money to make sure that their Pharaoh (whom they considered to be deity) was well recognized, even in the afterlife. And then you see it. A replica of the open sarcophagus of King Tut. Detailed, designed by people who were looking directly at the real thing. You can see the outline of his finger bones - you can see the age on the wrappings and you know he is dead and has been so for over 3000 years.
Which brings me to Jesus. Jesus died around 2000 years ago. He was buried too - cared for and preserved, though not nearly with the intricacy and valuables that the pharaoh was. And yet, there is no exhibit proclaiming the glories of the King of Kings. No intricate vaults. No gold. No museums. And I for one am extraordinarily glad for this. "He is not here, for He has risen, just as He said." (Matthew 28:6a, NASB) Our Savior conquered death. He is not buried any longer. He is no longer adorned in grave clothes. He is ALIVE. He is at work in my life. I pray He is at work in yours. There was so much value given to a dead ruler from a bygone era. How much more value should we place on a ruler who has ruled from the beginning of time and will continue to rule until time's end? Only the value that we can offer Him is not found in silver or gold, but in a life lived sacrificially for Him and for His glory (Romans 12:1-2). May the museum that people see in my life be a constant testimony to the Risen Savior. May they see His rule and reign evident in the past of my life, but also in the present. And may every moment of my future point to the value that I give to a Savior who gave so much for me. Soli Deo Gloria.
I so love to read these blogs Pastor! Really makes me stop and think and pray! Thank you! To God be the glory!
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