Tuesday, December 6, 2016

The Lyrics to Mary's Song - part 2

As we continue to examine the song that Mary sang following her receipt of the announcement of the birth of Jesus, I want to focus in on verse 48 of Luke chapter 1.

"For He has regard for the humble state of His bondslave. . ."

This is another corrective in our day and culture.  In a culture that speaks of me first, during a time that everything cries out "Me first", Mary instead says, "I am a slave".  I recently received in the mail something that my kids absolutely loved - a toy catalogue.  They poured over each page thinking about what might be.  Then I received in the mail the CBD catalogue.  (For those not aware, this is Christian Book Distributors and it contains books and commentaries and everything that a nerdy pastor might want!)  I poured over it thinking about what might be.  We watch TV and both the toy and the car ads tell us that we need what they are selling and that if we want to be truly happy we will purchase from them.  We watch jewelry ads that tell us that if we love our wives and if we want them to love us we will buy them jewelry, and one stone is not enough, it has to now contain two diamonds - one for your wife and one for your best friend - one ring for the woman who is both. 

We tend to think of God sometimes like He is Santa.  He will bring us good things if we have been good and will bring us coal if we have been bad.  But, He is obligated to bring us something.  We give Him our lists categorized nicely into healings He can perform, blessings He can give to us, curses He can give to those we do not like (we may not verbalize these prayers but we all know they are there.)  And Mary sings the joys of servitude. 

No one thinks they want to be a slave.  But when we consider the Master, perhaps we should reconsider.  Mary rejoices that her Master has had regard for the humble state that the bondslave is in.  She will go on to recount how many blessings she receives from her Master and how He has fed her and exalted her even in her low position.  But perhaps most challenging is her earlier words in Luke 1:38:
"And Mary said, 'Behold, the bondslave of the Lord, may it be done to me according to your word.'"

This is a true servant.  God use me in whatever way you deem best - I will simply allow you to do what you need to do.  This Christmas are you willing to let God use you in whatever way He deems best?  Are you willing to give sacrificially to those less fortunate?   Are you willing to share His gospel with the people you come in contact with?  Are you willing to love that one irritating family member in the name of Jesus?  Christmas truly is the season of giving, but not the giving of gifts to others.  It is season of giving yourself wholly to your Lord and Savior.  Will you bless God with a gift that cannot be wrapped?  Give Him your life.  You will never regret serving Him as your Master.

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