Holy week is finished. Lent is over. We have celebrated the Risen Savior. Now what? I think that this is kind of the mentality of a lot of Christians. We love celebrating the major holidays like Christmas and Easter, but at the end of them we kind of just think of waiting until the next one. And there is no real next holiday that we celebrate with vigor until next Christmas. Ok, maybe we should include Thanksgiving. But that still gives us a good 7 months until we have something to focus on. What to do we do in the meantime?
May I suggest that the center of the Christian faith is the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ and that every day that we are alive is a day to celebrate this glorious moment in history? Colossians 3:17 reminds us that all we do we are to do in the name of the Lord Jesus, but do you realize that this is only possible because of the resurrection? Look at verse 1 of the same chapter:
Therefore, if you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.
The chapter then goes on to list all that we are to do as we live our new life which is in Christ (vs 4). All of what we do for Christ is only possible because of the Risen Christ. If Christ is not raised, we are not raised and we are dead in our sins. So, each day God gives us is a reminder that we can live for Him BECAUSE we serve a Risen Savior. So, what do we do now that Easter is over? We live every day of our lives for Christ because the resurrection is never something to stop celebrating!
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