Tuesday, June 27, 2017


We are in the midst of our VBS program.  I have to say that this is the one time a year I am most reminded that as a pastor I cannot do it all and that I am so grateful that God has given us a church body to help fill roles and do things together that none of us could accomplish alone.  I am so grateful for those who have organized it, teach each day, help with the crafts, clean up all the messes, hold the children who are crying, help keep order in the midst of what quickly can become chaos.  I am thankful for those who are daily praying.  Thankful to those who lead singing, who help at the sound booth, who man (or woman!) the registration table.  I am blessed by those who do the skits each day - to those that guard doors and make sure the children are safe and taken care of.  I am privileged to work alongside people who take the time to make snacks, help decorate, fill in wherever is needed.  I cannot fail to mention those that mow the yard so it looks nice, clean the facilities at the end of each day above and beyond their normal responsibilities.  And this is just for one VBS program.  Following our week we will have a parade for the 4th of July and hand out water.  Each Sunday many of these same people are faithfully teaching or helping in some way.  I cannot do all of this and if I even tried to remotely do most of it, I would quickly lose my sanity, but the faithful service of God's people accomplish together far more than any one person could do on their own.  And to the glory of God our VBS is going so well.  Lives are being impacted with the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ and the lives of children are being changed as they learn that they are a treasure to Jesus.  Thank you to all who are helping bring honor and glory to God through their faithful service.

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