This week in churches all across the world we will celebrate together the resurrection of our Lord. Let that sink in for a moment. People of different ethnicity, economic backgrounds, political preferences will all celebrate together the resurrection of our Savior.
In our world we look for things that will unite. We want unity in our churches, we want unity in our country, we want unity in our homes. Broken unity dominates the news cycle and our lives. We seem to be drawn like flies to the false light of our televisions and think about the world in terms of the disunity that is everywhere to be found. And yet, on this one Sunday we have so much in common with so many.
Perhaps we need to consider the greater truth that unity comes not from agreement in all areas, but in agreement as to which area is most important. And there is no more important truth than the truth that He is Alive! In fact, this truth permeates every aspect of our faith. We do not pray to a dead Savior, but a Savior who is alive and interceding. Our hope is based upon our living Lord. The promise of an eternal future hinges on the risen Christ.
None of this minimizes the importance of discussions on other areas, nor does it minimize any other aspect of Christian living. But what matters more than my opinion on denomination, more than my opinion on music in the church, more than who I vote for, is the fact that I serve a Risen Savior who is in the world today!
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