Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Quick to Hear and Slow to Speak

"But everyone must be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger. . ." James 1:19 (NASB)

In a world in which we get so angry when we learn of a recent decision in government that disagrees with our position.  In a world where we whine when we do not get our way.  In a world where we get angry with authority and high school students can assault police officers and teachers and then go viral because the police officers stun them with tasers.  In a world where we are divided by all sorts of barriers and choose to focus on the division instead of what has potential to unite us.  In this kind of world the words of James almost seem to not make sense.  And yet, James is here presenting this truth.

First of all I want to be fair to the text and remind us that he is primarily talking about our need to listen to the text of Scripture.  We need to listen and become doers of the Word of God and not simply hearers only.  And so when the word of God talks about blessing our enemies - we need to listen and do.  When the word of God talks about kindness and love - we need to listen and do.  When the word of God talks about taking a stand for what is right - we need to listen and do.  When the word of God judges a behavior as evil - we need to listen and obey. 

Sadly, so often we only choose one or two of those.  So one half talks about love and tolerance but forgets the importance of obedience and absolute truth and authority.  The other half talks about the right and wrong but fails to love in any meaningful way.  And the two sides quickly degenerate into an argument that gets heated and eventually just gets posted on Facebook.  And we missed the point entirely.  Both sides (pardon the expression) need to shut up and listen to what God is saying to us.  Both sides need to look at God's Word and allow it to develop them into maturity. 

So the next time you are being drawn into an argument, stop.  Ask God for wisdom.  Search your copy of the Scriptures for what God might have already said about this and go out and obey!

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