"If we have hoped in Christ in this life only, we are of all men most to be pitied."
1 Cor. 15:19 (NASB)
This week is holy week. The week where we lead up to the most glorious day in all of the calendar for those of us who claim the name of Christ. I am not sure that we often think of this week in those terms, but this is the best week of the year. This is better than the birth of Christ, better than Pentecost, better than any other holiday religious or otherwise. This one day is the day that we pin our hope on. Without the resurrection of Jesus Christ we have no hope and our faith is worthless (see verse 18 of the same chapter).
Why is this so important? I want to give three simple reasons why the fact that we serve a living Savior is so critical in our daily lives.
1. Jesus alive means that God is faithful and true. - Jesus living in the plan of God and his conquering of death means that God is faithful and true to His promises. Think of all of the times in the Old Testament that God promised Israel something better in Messiah. Jesus being raised to life is the culmination of all of those promises. God is faithful to do what He has said He will do.
2. Jesus alive means I can have life. - The life that Jesus lives means that I get to have life. The song says, "Because He lives, I can face tomorrow." But in reality, because He lives, I can live today, and tomorrow and the future because I know that Jesus has conquered all that would seek to destroy my present life. I can live my life in abundance knowing that I can look forward to God fulfilling all of the promises yet to be fulfilled.
3. Jesus alive gives peace. - Think about it. Where is Jesus right now at this very moment? If you answer in your heart you are not thinking about the right person of the Trinity. The Spirit of God is God who lives in you. Jesus is seated at the right hand of the Father ruling from His throne. A throne He sat down upon after completing His work here on earth. A throne He will rise from to make all things right. Jesus is in the presence of God and He has gone there to prepare a place for you and for me. And that brings me a great deal of peace. Knowing that just like God raised Jesus from the dead, death is only a blink when I open my eyes in the presence of my Savior. Peace. Eternal Peace. From the very Prince of Peace.
And the list goes on and on. But these three things are a good place to start. This is why Resurrection Sunday is so critical! This is why it is the best day, and the best week, of the year.
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