Monday, December 7, 2020

Christmas is not a season

 Every year, sometime after Thanksgiving and usually before Black Friday - which is admittedly a short window - I hear the expression "Christmas Season".  I do really understand what people mean by this and in many respects, I can concede that this is meaningful language.  People do think about Christmas more during the weeks between thanksgiving and Christmas.  Even I talk about the season.  We have cute Christian expressions like "Jesus is the Reason for the Season."  And yet as I was thinking about this I wonder if we do more harm than good when we think like this.  

For instance, if Christmas is really a season, then at some point it is over.  It might be over for you on the 26th of December.  Or maybe when they stop playing Christmas carols on your favorite station.  Or perhaps when you take your lights down.  But whenever that moment is, it is over.  A season ends.  Is this how we want to think of the coming of Christ?   Yes, he ascended, but the rule and reign that started when the angels announced the birth of a king is ongoing and permanent.  That which started in the nativity has no end.  The Scriptures even remind us of this in passages that we often quote during the weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas and seem to forget about until the next year.  

Or what about the Bible - do the passages on Christmas only have meaning for Christmas, or is the Word of God living and active and useful for the entirety of the year - does the prophecy of the coming of Christ matter only for four weeks, or does it matter year round?

I will not belabor the point but I think that we ought to remind ourselves that the message of Christmas is not a message that is to be limited to a time frame during the course of any year.  It is timeless and eternal and meant to be the center of our identity as followers of the one who came to die and be raised for our justification.  Christmas is a year long celebration of who we are in Christ!  So celebrate - even after the 26th of December!

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