I am always amazed at the reality of God and His Word and the Gospel contained therein. I am amazed because in some ways, God, and His Word, and His gospel are exceedingly simple. It is so simple that the Bible assumes God needs no introduction. "In the beginning God. . . ". It simply states that "Your Word is Truth" (John 17:17) And the Gospel is condensed into the fact that Jesus died for me, was raised to life and sits at the right hand of the Father. In many ways, these are simple truths that even children can understand.
And yet, the truths about who God is, about His Word, and about the gospel are also so profound that we could spend our lives studying them and never exhaust that which is knowable about any single part of these three. For instance, I can know that God is holy - a simple truth. And yet to mine the depths of what His holiness means and how it is demonstrated and how I am to respond to it is a profound study. I can know that His Word is true and yet to seek out the fullest and deepest meaning of this truth would take lifetimes and I would never come to a full understanding of its glory. I can know that the gospel is that Jesus died for me and was raised but to really comprehend what that means for my justification and sanctification and glorification can constantly amaze me.
God is simple and yet so profound. Praise God that I can see His revelation and understand it and yet I will never exhaust it.
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