I love to read. In fact, for quite some time I have been tracking all of the books that I read so that I can measure if my reading is increasing both in volume and to ensure that I am reading a broad spectrum of material. But often it is easier to remember to read for my book list than to read the Bible. I also read a variety of devotional material - each to a greater or lesser degree based on Scripture. I wonder how many of us measure our devotion by the amount that we read rather than the quality of the content.
Some devotional books are a story - or theology with a limited connection to Scripture. Of course they list the Scripture that you are supposed to read, but often times I find myself not reading the selected Scripture unless something raises a question in my mind. And I find that I am often reading the devotional and only as much Scripture as the devotional contains.
May I encourage you to evaluate your devotional reading along these lines also. Are you reading only the words of the human authors or are you reading the Divinely inspired Word of God? One of those two sources contains the promise that it will not return void. (HINT: its God's Word) One of those tells us directly of its value in protecting us from sin. One we are called to meditate on day and night. One never fails. One is sharper than a two-edged sword. And so on. So, what are you reading?
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