Wednesday, May 22, 2024


 I went to my first graduation party of the season last weekend.  It is always a good time to celebrate with students their accomplishments and the things that they have worked so hard to accomplish.  In some ways a graduation is an end, and in some ways a graduation is a beginning.  And then I got to thinking about other things that share in that they are both an end and a beginning.  Becoming a parent is in some ways an end, and in many ways a beginning.  Retirement is an end and a beginning.  And so is death.  In fact, in the grace of God, very few things are completely an end.  Even death.  After death is the beginning of something far bigger, something eternal.  The question at this graduation will be not about your accomplishments, but about what you have decided about Jesus - is He your Savior and Lord, or have you rejected both His salvation and Lordship.  The former leads to a beginning of eternal bliss - the latter leads to a beginning of eternal loss.  Choose carefully!  It is a far more important choice than where you want to go to college!

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