Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Something to Consider

 Have you ever stopped to consider the question, "How do I know if I am really a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ?"  I think that many of us have stopped at one time or another to ask ourselves that question.  Sometimes it comes from a place of personal doubt.  Sometimes it comes from a realization that we can never actually earn the grace of God.  Sometimes it might be from some other place or thought that comes up.  But the Bible is fairly clear on the issue - there are a few key signs that you can look for.

1.  Do you love God?  Some authors (thinking here of Piper and before him Edwards) would call these affections.  At the end of the day do you have a desire to please God?  Do you love him enough to set self aside, or do you really love yourself?   If you love God this is a sign that you are genuinely redeemed!

2. Do you love the Word of God?  Throughout the psalms (for a great example see Psalm 119) there is a call to love the law of God.  Do you demonstrate this love through obedience?  The call to obey what God says is from start to finish something that God calls us to.  We are over and over and over again called to listen to God and to do what He has told us to do.  Do you love what God says?  If so, you can take heart that God has placed this love into your heart by His Spirit through faith.

3. Do you love the people of God?  The New Testament is full of the things that we are to do for one another.  We are to love one another, serve one another, prefer one another, and the list goes on.  This is another sign that we are genuinely redeemed.  It is the stated condition for people knowing that we are disciples of Christ - we are to love one another!

So ask yourself these three questions and take heart - be it from a place of doubt, or a theological concern or any other place and praise God that He has given us ways to be confident in our salvation!

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