Sunday, September 22, 2024


 This morning I preached on Haggai chapter 1.  Haggai is a book that actually has a great story and an even better end to chapter 1 - the people obey God and God promises His presence with them because they align their priorities to what they should be - obedience to God.

I wonder if we will take a moment to align our priorities in the same way.  God calls us to seek first His kingdom.  He calls us to offer our bodies as a living sacrifice.  He calls for us to obey over and over and over again.  And yet we so often forget to align ourselves with His will for our lives and instead look to align His plan with our will.  We want to tell God what He ought to do and what He ought to expect of us.  We have no business or ability to address God in this way.  We ought to recognize that we are completely and totally dependent upon Him and that any obedience offered is one directional - vertical and starting from our place on earth in humility and moving upward to the God who created us.  

In other words, we need to consider how well we are obeying God.  Look at your life and ask how much of it is lived in obedience to the commands of God.  If you see a part that is out of line, align it and prioritize obedience of God as top priority!

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