Monday, January 27, 2025

Strength and Weakness

 I think that one of the areas in which we reveal if we are following culture or the Word of God is the area of strength and weakness.  The world around us is designed to point us to building strength and minimizing weakness.  We are told that we are supposed to emphasize the strong points.  Like we are building our resume, every time we talk to someone we emphasize the things we are good at and minimize the struggles.  Interestingly, the Bible says the opposite.  It says that God's strength is manifested when we are weak.  It tells us that when we are weak, then we are strong.  It emphasizes that we are to deny self and die to self and instead build up others.  What an interesting contrast.  So the next time you are feeling particularly helpless, perhaps remember that God will get the glory when you acknowledge that you cannot do it apart from His help!

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