Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Summer Fun and the Glory of God

 I think that sometimes we often create false dichotomies in our mind and spirit.  For instance, we feel guilty if we take the time to relax and have some summer fun because we should have spent that time doing something for the kingdom of God.  If we stop and read a book it better be a Christian book.  If we listen to music it better be worship music.  If we do anything it ought to be for the Kingdom of God.  There have even been books written that encourage this kind of thinking.  We should give all we have up for God - including all of our time and energy.  

The more that I think on this the more I have come to the conclusion that it is NOT BIBLICAL.  Let me make a few points and encourage you to go out this summer and have some fun doing things that you enjoy for the glory of God!

1.  Creation was made for our good and benefit and enjoyment.  We could eat of and enjoy all of the fruit in the garden and rest was built into the equation!  

2.  Rest was built into the 10 commandments.  Rest was built into the law.  Rest was built into every part of Israel's corporate life.  And yes this rest is to be a rest focused on God, but God still allowed the Israelites to do things that they enjoyed.  The issue seems to be balance. 

3. Jesus rested and took time to get away from everyone.  

4. We are supposed to enjoy the life that God has given us - and there is no condemnation for having time to be able to recover and recuperate.  

And this is so very important - go out and get some rest and have some fun and enjoy the good creation that God has given.  

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