Wednesday, July 24, 2024

The need for speed

 I caught myself in something this morning.  I saw a headline in one of my news feeds that was something that I had already read in another news source and I got annoyed.  "Don't they know this is already old news", I thought to myself.  After all, my time is precious and I need something new this morning, not something old news.  I recognized in myself a trend that is present in my life in other areas as well.  I get annoyed if there are two or more cars in a drive thru that is supposed to make my life quicker and easier.  I get near angry if I am waiting in a line and it does not move as quickly as I think it should.  Time seems to be a priority to me.  But I am not worried in these moments about using my time for the glory of God, I am instead annoyed that "my time" is not being respected or used as well as it should be.  I am inherently selfish and demanding that the rest of the world operate on my schedule as if there are not other souls that God has plans for on any given day or that everyone should focus on ME!

How do we battle this kind of daily focus on ourselves?  I am reminded of Romans 12:3 (NASB) - "For through the grace given to me I say to everyone among you not to think more highly of himself than he ought to think; but to think so as to have sound judgment, as God has allotted to each a measure of faith."

Do not think of yourself more highly of himself than he ought to think.  What a challenge.  What a reminder.  And he gives the positive statement of how to think - as to have sound judgment - a judgment based on the faith that God gives instead of something internal to us.  

May God help me (and by extension all of us) to think of myself rightly!

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